Search for the Artistic Sweet Spot

by | Mar 5, 2022

In music, the sweet spot comes when the artist finds the optimal position when playing an instrument – even the voice. But, can a number of artists representing different disciplines also find the same sweet spot when they collaborate together in a single work?

Fritz Hauser is a renowned percussionist who, over the years, has formed friendships and made acquaintances with a wide variety of artists of all kinds. He asks whether sound in combination with other art forms can result in a whole that is more than the sum of its parts. And if so, how can this be achieved?

Renate Hauser, his sister, and also a W+ B member, together with other 16 W+ B members and friends, went to find out when they recently visited Fritz’s latest exhibition in the Basel-Land Kunsthaus in Muttenz.

In a fascinating personal tour led by Fritz, we discovered how he creates an energetic polyphony in his quest for the sweet spot across the traditional media boundaries of music, painting, video, textile design, photography, collage, drawing, space and light.

The exhibition is open to the public between 11.00 and 17.00 Tuesday-Sunday until 27 March.